What are the current course accreditations for physical therapists?
The state physical therapy associations and boards have approved this course as follows. Information changes often, please contact education@cureduchenne.org if you have any questions. For OT CEU approvals, we are submitting an AOTA provider application. Please check in with us for status.
AK APPROVED by APTA AK: 4.5 CEUs, 11/7/2024-11/7/2025; approval #11-07-24-01.
AL Course pre-approval not required
AR APPROVED by AR Board of PT 4.5 CEUs, no expiration date.
AZ APPROVED by APTA AZ: 4.5 CCs, 10/1/2024-10/1/2025; approval #CEUL143091.
CA APPROVED by CPTA: .45 CEUs, expires 7/30/2025; approval CPTA #24-300
CO APPROVED by APTA CO: 4.5 CCs, 10/1/2024-10/1/2025; approval #CEUL143093
CT APPROVED by APTA CT: 4.5 CEUs, 10/20/2024-10/20/2025; approval #CEUL130164.
DC EXPIRED. New application submitted. Please contact us for updates.
DE APPROVED by DE PT/AT Board: 4.5 CEUs, 11/19/2024-11/15/2026; approval #PHY-AC-111924-103069.
FL APPROVED by FL PT Board: 4.5 CEUs, 1/1/2025-12/31/2025; approval #CE25-1251830.
GA APPROVED by APTA GA: 4.5 CCHs, 11/1/2024-10/31/2025; approval 2024#165.
HI EXPIRED. Please check back soon for an update.
IA Course pre-approval not required
ID Course pre-approval not required
IL APPROVED by IPTA: 4.5 CEUs, 11/1/2024-11/1/2025; approval #927-9474.
IN APPROVED by APTA IN 10/20/2024-10/19/2025; approval # 006987887C2879
KS EXPIRED. New application submitted. Please contact us for updates.
KY APPROVED by APTA KY: 4.5 CEUs, 11/11/2024-11/13/2026; approval #393-APTAKY-2024.
LA APPROVED by LA Board of PT, 1/1/2025-12/31/2025, 4.5 CEU,
MA APPROVED by APTA MA, 10/20/2024-10/20/2025, 4.5 hours, Approval# CEUL143157.
MD APPROVED by MD Board of PT, 10/30/2024-11/1/2028, 4.5 CEU,
ME Course pre-approval not required
MI APPROVED by APTA MI, 10/1/2024-10/1/2025, 4.5 hours, Approval# CEUL143095.
MN EXPIRED. New application submitted. Please contact us for updates.
MO Course pre-approval not required
MS APPROVED by MS PT Board: 4.5 CEUs, 7/1/2024-6/30/2025.
MT APPROVED by APTA MT, 10/20/2024-10/20/2026, 4.5 hours, Approval# 5YGGRD.
NC Course considered Pre-approved by virtue of multiple state PT approvals 4.5 units.
ND Course considered Pre-approved by virtue of multiple state PT approvals 4.5 units.
NE APPROVED by APTA NE, 10/31/2024-10/31/2025, 4.5 hours, Approval# CEUL143153.
NH APPROVED by APTA NH, 10/20/2024-10/20/2025, 4.5 hours, Approval# CEUL143156.
NJ APPROVED by NJBPTE, 2/1/2022-1/31/2026, 4.5 CEU, Approval# 2410-04.
NM EXPIRED. New application submitted. Please contact us for updates.
NV APPROVED by NV Board of PT, 11/5/2024-11/5/2025, 4.5 CEU, CEBroker 50-15798.
NY APPROVED by APTA NY, 10/5/2024-10/5/2025, 5.4 CEU, Approval# NY 24-10-05.
OH APPROVED by OHPTA, 10/20/2024-10/20/2025, 4.5 hours, Approval# 24S2998.
OK APPROVED by OK Board PT Division: 4.5 CEUs, 2/1/2024-1/31/2025; approval #20-1258484.
OR Course considered Pre-approved by virtue of multiple state PT approvals 4.5 units.
PA EXPIRED. New application submitted. Please contact us for updates.
RI APPROVED by APTA RI; 4.5 CEUs, 10/20/2024-10/20/2025, Approval#CEUL143155.
SC APPROVED by APTA SC; 0.45 CEUs, 10/18/2024-10/17/2025, Approval#CEUL143150.
SD Course considered Pre-approved by virtue of multiple state PT approvals 4.5 units.
TN APPROVED by APTA TN, 11/4/2024-11/3/2025, 4.5 CEU, CEBroker.
TX APPROVED by TPTA, 10/1/2024-10/1/2026; approval # 79553TX.
UT APPROVED by APTA UT, 10/20/2024-10/20/2025, 4.5 hours, Approval# CEUL143144.
VA APPROVED by APTA VA, 10/1/2024-10/1/2025, 4.5 hours, Approval# CEUL143090.
VT APPROVED by APTA VT, 10/20/2024-10/20/2025, 4.5 hours, Approval# CEUL143154.
WA Course pre-approval not required
WI APPROVED by APTA WI, 10/20/2024-10/20/2025, 4.5 hours, Approval# 19788.
WV APPROVED by WV Board of PT, 1/1/2024-12/31/2024, 4.5 hours, Approval # DTN-R24-01.
WY Course considered Pre-approved by virtue of multiple state PT approvals 4.5 units